
Legal notice
Contact Us
Legal notice
Company name / Name:
Weisson Kft.
Tapio street 3. , Sülysáp, 2241, Hungary
Phone number:
Shop name:
Tax number:
EU VAT number:
Company registration number:
Company court:
Budapest Környéki Törvényszék
Contact person name:
Mate Feher
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
The minimum order amount is:
Gross 10.20 €

Shipping Methods and Delivery Time

Depending on the location where you place your order, you can choose from the delivery methods above

The products that can be placed in the cart are actually in stock at Sportlampa in Hungary. Therefore, orders received and paid for on working days before 10:00 AM will be shipped on the same day, and we will notify you via email that your package has left our warehouse.

    Your package will be sent by the Packeta courier service, which will hand over the package to your local delivery partner upon arrival in your country, who will then deliver it to you. The local courier service will inform you via email or SMS about the expected delivery time of the package, which is usually delivered to your address in your country within 2-5 working days. If the package does not arrive within the specified 2-5 days, please contact us at our email address:

    Money transfer
    We are waiting for the transfer to the account number of Weisson Kft:

    IBAN: BE85 9671 6587 4006
    Address: Wise Europe SA, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, 1050, Belgium

    Please include the order ID in the notification.
    Pay by bank card
    Amennyiben megrendelésének ellenértékét bankkártyával szeretné kiegyenlíteni, ezt webshopunkban a Barion fizetési kapun keresztül biztonságosan és kényelmesen megteheti.
    A Barion a PCI DSS szabvány szerint működik, amely a bankkártyás fizetések legmagasabb szintű biztonsági követelményeit írja elő.
    A fizetés gyors és egyszerű: nincs szükség regisztrációra, bankkártyával vagy Barion tárcával is fizethet. Minden vásárlás után azonnali visszaigazolást kap a tranzakcióról.
    A Barion a Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) által engedélyezett elektronikus pénzkibocsátó. Engedélyezési száma: H-EN-I-1064/2013.
    Pay by bank card
    Teya Services Ltd is a publicly listed company duly registered in England and Wales under the registration number 12271069, boasting its headquarters at the Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, United Kingdom. Teya Iceland hf holds authorization from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Iceland and possesses the necessary permits to offer payment services within Hungary.

    Dedicated to fostering a secure and hassle-free online shopping environment, our webshop prioritizes your safety. This commitment is exemplified through our adoption of TEYA's payment solution, renowned for its stringent security measures and robust data protection protocols:

    Secure data transmission: All communication between our webshop and TEYA's secure payment portal occurs through the HTTPS protocol, ensuring the encryption of sensitive information.
    Adherence to industry standards: TEYA's payment solution is fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the globally recognized benchmark for safeguarding credit card transactions.
    Contact Us
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